Urgh! Pen Pineapple Apple Pen
I have a pen. I have a paper. Ugh! I’M GOING TO WRITE ABOUT THIS STUPID SONG!
Oops! Stop right there. Before you even say your negative comments about this article just read and take the time to understand what I am pointing out. So you’ve probably heard of the latest music trend called Pen Pineapple Apple Pen or “PPAP.” You probably even memorized the lyrics already because you know… it’s just made up of three or four stupid words. Yes I have said “stupid” several times already but again, this song is STUPID!
Now I’m feeling a little more hate coming from most of you guys so I guess I better start explaining. I have three major points explaining why I consider this craze “stupid.”
THE TITLE. “Pen Pineapple Apple Pen” Is this supposed to be a tongue twister or something? What does it mean? Three words that does not even relate to each other were put together to form a title that first of all does not realistically exist and second, does not even make any sense. I mean, what does the pen have to do with both the apple and the pineapple? Oh millennials what has gotten into our heads?
THE LYRICS. Fine, fine it’s catchy and all but people, have you ever thought of its meaning? “I have a pen. I have an apple. Ugh. Apple pen. I have a pen. I have pineapple. Ugh. Pineapple pen. Apple pen. Pineapple pen. Pen pineapple apple pen.” Now ask yourselves, what does it even mean? That’s right! It means absolutely NOTHING. Nothing, yet everyone loves it. Come on people. Songs were made to express our feelings, show a specific emotion and relay a certain ideal; but through this song what feeling is expressed? What emotion is shown? Moreover, what ideal does it relay? NOTHING. NOTHING but STUPIDITY I tell you.
THE PRESENTATION. Many people have different perspectives about the said craze and I guess that’s pretty obvious by now. With that being said, let me share to you this excerpt from an online article I found that is so on point: “Unless you’re a toddler, you’re either laughing your head off or puzzled about the subject matter. Based on the motions of Piko Taro’s hands, most people have assumed there might be a sexual innuendo behind it. After all, the performer continually pokes the invisible pen into the invisible fruit while making sighing noises—no wonder people are reading into it!” See, this trend, if not a complete nonsense, invokes a terrible thought into people’s minds specially the youth.
Now that I have laid my reasons, it is up to you to start thinking about this PPAP trend you all love so much. I am not obliging you to dislike the song nor bash it because that is not what I am even doing. Just to clarify, this article is written to show you guys my opinion and at the same time to remind everyone that not all trends are “trend-worthy.” Some are just songs that do not even mean anything.
I get it you guys, I get that the beat is really good, you are entertained and it has a funny side into it because of course it was enacted by a comedian. But I believe that we should focus more on what it has to say; because at the end of the day, this will float everywhere as we share it being a part of the trend. Don’t you think it’s better to share something useful other than these kinds of nonsense?
We have the power to influence other people by our trends through social media and many other ways but the problem now is we neglect to use it properly; we forget our main purpose. We forget to become useful for our society. Nonetheless, we forget to be the hope of our motherland.
PPAP. Are these the nonsense you want to pass on to your children? Do you want us to be remembered as “the generation who were struck dumb by the trends?” I bet not. Again, I am not obliging you to dislike the song nor bash it but I am reminding you, that next time a trend pops up, do not share it an once but first analyze what you are trying to impart by sharing it. Leave a good mark on Earth millennials. Peace.