Sports Fest 2016 – 2017
The PHINMA University of Pangasinan Senior High School Flames had started the try out for the upcoming Sports Fest, September 19 at the university grounds. The students has been scattered to six groups randomly which are named after famous pokemon characters. These are the team Pidgey (White Team), Tortoise (Blue Team), Charmander (Red Team), Pikachu (Yellow Team), Bulbasaur (Green Team), and Poochyena (Black Team).
Different sport and board games shall be included during the program; Basketball, Sepak Takraw, Volleyball Boys and Girls, Table Tennis boys, girls and mix, Badminton boys, girls and mix, and board games which are Chess, Scrabble and Word Factory. Also, dancers will showcase their talent through a flash mob presentation by team.
Each team will provide a muse and a moniker to represent them. A casual interview and pageant will be done.
The winning teams will receive trophies, sashes and medals at the end of the fest. A pointing system will be followed in different categories.
The fest will start this coming Saturday, October 8, 2016 at the PHINMA University of Pangasinan Gymnasium. Each team is expected to be actively participating in the said events. Whose team will have the brightest flame?