Shifting and Shaping Better Future
“Embrace your limitations for they aspire your innivations,” do you agree?
One of the biggest senior highschool in Ilocos Region, PHINMA-University of Pangasinan is making a historical change among the region for upholding estimatedly 3, 353 students. The said school is well known for it’s Student Centered Learning in which a single teacher, assess over four classes in the sum of one and half hours while a facilitator, which is one of the university’s scholarship grants, stays inside the class to compensate.
According to school administration, this type of learning process helps the student be less independent in their teachers, and more abased on themselves. However, some college students of the University were appalled of the idea for they gathered that when the learning system was being tested in one of PHINMA’s university in Ilo-Ilo, facilitating the students were not scholars, but teachers as well, creating a much more calm environment among the university's denomination.
Nearing the commencement of second semester, the university is facing another difficult task of registering thousands of senior highschool students for the second half of the school year. In accordance to this, the students who aim to change strands for the sole reason of pursuing what courses they camp on the doorstep of, along with students who wish to modify their class schedules are proceeding to the Registrars Office, to compensate all their concerns.
Students who wish to shift from PM schedule to AM schedule are aquired to present a photocopy of their parent’s Identification Card attached behind the letter of their valid reason of shifting, signed by their parent or guardian, together with the ever supportive Senior High School principal, Mr. Jeremiah Junatas.
Part of the reasons of the PM students for shifting schedules is that, due to the late ending of their classes, they're able to arrive home later than their parents wish for, creating unnecessary banters among both party. Conjointly, AM students who aim to change into PM, are not able to attend their early classes due to long trips from their homes to the university.
Whatever reasons we may have for shifting, we must understand that there's no easy way of achieving our goals. Wanting something without trying is like wanting to swim without getting wet. We must never lose sight of our goals, and eventually, sooner or later, all the hard work, sacrifices, sleepless nights, struggles, downfals, it all pays off.
As they say, “You’ve got what it takes, but it will take everything you've got.”